The crafting and Viking game “VALHEIM” is now popular, but you can create more items by raising the equipment level of the workbench.
The conditions for raising the equipment level were unexpectedly difficult to understand, so I will introduce them here.

To summarize briefly, it looks like this
・ Equipment level 2 to 3 “Tanning rack” added
・ equipment level 3 to 4 “Adze” added
As the equipment level goes up, not only will more things be made, but the upper limit for updating conventional tools will also be released, so I would like to raise it as soon as possible.
Then, I will introduce the details of each creation procedure in order.
Raise the Station level from 1 to 2. Creating a Chopping block
Cutting bench of the material ” wood 10, flint 10″ is
How to find a flint
A lot of flint has fallen on the waterside of the meadow

Suddenly is just a stone to see but this whitish stone flint is
If you run along the water, you will soon get 10
Raise the installation level from 2 to 3. Creating a Tanning rack
The material of the leather tanning table is “10 wood, 15 flint, 20 pieces of leather, 5 deer leather “.
Wood and flint are the same as last time, the latter can be obtained by defeating animals
You can get a piece of leather by defeating Boar and deer leather by defeating Deer .
It’s a little difficult because there are many, but let’s run around and hunt animals
Raise the installation level from 3 to 4. Creating a Adze
Adze of the material is “fine wood 10, bronze 3 + smithy” is
Each one has to take some steps to get it, which makes it much more difficult.

Let’s take a look step by step
How to make copper and bronze
From this time, copper and bronze materials will be required.
For copper, it is necessary to make a melting Smelter to melt copper ore and tin ore.
Collecting “Surtling core” to make a melting furnace
You will need this “Surtling Core” to create a Smelter, which is available in a dungeon.
When you stroll through the Black Forest, you will find something like a cave like this.

This is the entrance to the dungeon
There are monsters in the dungeon that are a little stronger than the field, and there are treasure chests here and there.
If you go deeper, you will find the core of the slit ring, so let’s collect it.
Create a melting pot when you have 5 “Surtling Core”
Collecting copper and tin
Copper and tin ores can be found in the Black Forest
The copper veins are quite huge and can be found all over the Black Forest like this, like ordinary rocks.
It looks like a stone, but it is more brilliant than a stone.
Tin veins exist along the coast in the form of small rocks
It’s harder to find than a copper vein, but I think you’ll find it as soon as you run along the coast of the Black Forest.
Let’s collect ore like this
How to make bronze-Steelmaking-
Let’s make the obtained ore iron
Ore is made by putting it in a Smelter with charcoal.
How to get charcoal
Charcoal can be obtained by baking wood in this “Charcoal kiln” , but you can also secure it by baking the meat until it is charred .
Creating a charcoal kiln also requires a “Surtling Core”, so if you have enough, create a charcoal kiln, otherwise burn the meat instead.
You can make copper by melting copper ore, tin by melting tin ore, and bronze by combining the two in a smithy.

It’s the beginning of the bronze era!
And we will move on to collecting the final material “high quality wood”
How to collect Fine wood
The last “Fine wood” is
Good quality trees can be obtained by defeating trees such as birch and oak, but those trees cannot be destroyed with a stone ax.
You can cut these hard trees by making a “bronze ax” with the bronze you got earlier.
Now you can safely collect all the materials and create a hatchet.
The Fine wood is important
This fine wood is also used as a material to make a “fine bow”
Very powerful as the arrow flies straight compared to a crude bow

This beautiful trajectory
Let’s increase the number of materials that can be handled while raising the level of the workbench like this
When you get copper, the range of crafts will expand at once , and you will be able to make ” trolleys” for carrying luggage, “hoes” for making fields, and “large pots” for cooking .
We recommend you to create it as soon as possible because the game will be quite fun.
Today, we introduced “How to improve Workbench’s Station Level, Build Smelter, Get Fine Wood” .
I would like to send you VALHEIM strategy information again.